what is pagerank?
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PageRank (PR) is a groundbreaking algorithm developed by Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin that measures the importance of web pages based on the quality and quantity of links pointing to them 1. The algorithm, which gets its name from both the term "web page" and co-founder Larry Page, operates on the principle that more important websites are likely to receive more links from other websites 1.
The fundamental concept behind PageRank is treating links as votes of confidence between web pages infolab.stanford.edu. When one page links to another, it's essentially casting a vote for that page's importance. However, not all votes carry equal weight 2. The algorithm considers two key factors:
The PageRank calculation uses a probability distribution model that determines how likely a person randomly clicking links would land on any given page 3. The original formula can be expressed as:
PR(A) = (1-d) + d (PR(T1)/C(T1) + ... + PR(Tn)/C(Tn))
The algorithm has undergone significant evolution since its inception:
While PageRank is no longer publicly visible, it remains an important part of Google's ranking algorithm 2. The modern version has evolved to include:
While PageRank scores are no longer public, the principles behind the algorithm remain crucial for SEO:
Google has confirmed that PageRank continues to be one of hundreds of ranking signals used today. In 2017, Google's Gary Illyes stated:
Loading… DYK that after 18 years we're still using PageRank (and 100s of other signals) in ranking?
This confirmation demonstrates that while PageRank has evolved, it remains a fundamental part of Google's search algorithm 2.